The World of the Obscure

About me
Eating curry in Dagenham, reading Tintin in Polish, these are the sort of things that ring my bell. Welcome to Bastafari's world of the obscure. This page is designed to collect any item of obscurity that anyone has to offer. Please send any tales you have that you consider obscure.
What I'm interested in:
  • The Flumps
    A little known group of fur balls who, in their day, had the potential of the Jackson 5. Where are they now, their contract with the BBC is up, has grandpa flump hit the heroin in a bid to deaden the blow of his failed career, have the little ones signed recording contracts with stock aitken waterman - if you know, tell me.
  • Cheese in a can.
    Does this aerosol noghtmare actually exist. Do Americans actually eat cheese froma spray can, or was it just a fantasy propelled into existence by The Blues Brothers stay in a Chicago sleaze pit? Cheese in a can, can it really be, I need to know.
  • Rick Astley.
    Was he just a horrible nightmare, or was he real? Sightings of this momentously untalented man are rarer than those of Elvis. Join me in hunting this man down and bringing him to justice for two years of audial torture.
My favourite links
  • uploaded - Homepage of a great British magazine.
  • something else - a celebration of underground British culture.
You can email me on
[email protected]